The Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that “it was the biggest mistake to make control alt delete key”. The triple key should been much easier but IBM key designer asked us to make it more tricky. He adds “we could have made a single key having the same function that is of the triple key but our keyword designer prevented us in the regard”.
He made this confession in the questions and answers session of Harvard fund raising campaign and said “Our focus was at the software side not at the hardware side and we had achieved remarkable success though”.
Actually, the control alt delete key is generally pressed in the notebooks or desktop computers to lock the screen or access to control panel and it involves two hands which may cause sudden reboot of the system. On the other hand, the key maker Engineer David Bradley said that it was supposed to be a shortcut during the course of development.
It goes without saying, Bill Gates had received an honorary degree from Harvard in the 2007 and since then he has been actively working for fund raising campaigns. Furthermore, he said that “it was we, who increased the Mac users for Apple and Steve Jobs and I were friendly competitors in the market.
Last but not the least, during the questions and answer sessions Bill Gates came up with a big variety of topics and shared everything pertaining to his person life, philanthropic nature, and his relationship with the apple. In simple words, he recalled his pleasant moments of past.
Bill has too much money! It just isn’t fair.