What’s Putin’s Next Move? It’s Anyone’s Guess, Experts Say

The result of Crimean referendum was already expected in Russian favor but does anyone know what would be the Putin’s next move? Experts hold the opinion that “All eyes are set over Putin and it is he who has to decide -whether to annex Crimea through steps- or to simply recognize the demand of Crimean through formal annexation.

It is said that if the recognition is done through steps by steps, it would take more than 2 weeks to complete, on the other hand, West is mounting more and more pressure on Russia to withdraw its forces from the Crimean peninsula.

It goes without saying, in the recent diplomatic meeting held at London, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov said to his U.S counterpart John Kerry that “Putin would decide what to do with Crimea after the referendum and he made this statement repeatedly in the entire meeting”.

Contrary to this, 28 members of European Union are planning to vote for embarking sheer sanctions against Russia. It is said that those sanctions will include; banning of Visa, seizure of European bank accounts and frozen of assets.

Besides, editor of Russian quarterly “Russia in Global Affairs,” Fyodor Lukyanov says that “Putin has already decided to annex with Crimea and no sanctions from west will deter him ,Putin does not care about what other say”.

Last but not the least, it is speculated that Crimea will undoubtedly be a part of Russia in few weeks to come but will Putin end at Crimea or will he go on subjugating eastern parts of Ukraine under the pretext of safeguarding the interest Russian speaking population?

US Airways plane blows tire on takeoff in Philadelphia, passengers evacuated

During the course of take off, a tire of US Airways Flight 1702 blew causing the nose of plane to hit the ground. On Thursday evening at Philadelphia’s airport, spokesman of the US Airways said that “The pilot of the plane decided to abort the take off as he indicated some serious problem in the tires of the plane”.

Actually, the flight was flying from Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale and the technical problem in the jet forced the authorities to abort the takeoff for evacuating the passengers.  Besides, Lloyd Ayers Fire Commissioner of Philadelphia said that “two women had been slightly injured during the course of evacuation and they have been shifted to city’s Methodist Hospital.

It goes without saying, Jim Peters the spokesman of Federal Aviation Administration said that “the flight was scheduled to take off at 5:50 p.m and the incident took place at around 6:25 p.m”.  On the other hand, a witness of this incident said that “I have seen the plane bouncing two times during the takeoff and it was really shocking”.

The flight was boarding 149 passengers and five crew members and all of them had been safely evacuated from the partially crashed plane. One of those passengers, Dennis fee said that “everyone was screaming out when plane failed to take off and it was really shocking scenario”.

Save All Around by Powering Your Computer Down

Keeping your computer at sleeping mode may be convenient for you but keeping it for more than 20 minutes may cause it more harm than good. Actually, sleeping mode is specially designed to keep your computer partially off. But, there are many chips inside the mother board that keep on functioning during the period of sleeping mode. Exactly, it does not only affect the performance of your computer but also affects its overall functionality.

Experts hold the opinion that each time you put your computer on sleeping mode causes you “500 volts” electricity bill in a year and it must not be taken so likely. They suggest that before going away from your computer must keep it fully shut down otherwise there are chances to get your computer heated and internally damaged.

Apart from this, it has been researched that “you can shut down your computer 15 to 20 times a day and this can be consistently done for more than 7 years”.

Lastly, it is highly recommended that do not keep your computer on standby or sleeping mode for more than 20 minutes and try to shut down whenever you go out of your home.


Testing Time for Putin and Obama relationship

Ukraine crisis has escalated serious words of war between President of Russian and United States. It is for the first time since cold war crisis that both states have tensed relations. Few years ago when Obama met with the then Prime Minister of Russia said that “we believe our relationship is going to be much stronger than before and I do not think that we would agree on most of things”. Besides he said that “our tone should be of mutual respect and consultation as it would serve the citizens of both countries”.

But, three years later when Obama and Putin met for the first time, it was appearing from the body language that both of these leaders will face rocky relationship in few years to come. And, the speculations of foreign policy experts were quite obvious.

It goes without saying, when both leaders were asked for a photo shoot in G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, they displayed enough anguish against each other. Exactly, they were not glancing over each other and displaying enough anger from their behavior.

Besides, White House had already told to media reporters that they should not focus over the body language of these leaders and do not speculate anything bad about them.  On the other hand, in the last G8 summit the same scenario had been observed that was noticed in the G20 summit. Media Gurus noticed that President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin do not like to take photos together.

Apart from this, in the last few days, the relationship between both leaders has remained quite tense. The lengthy phone calls and series of warnings clearly paint the picture of US-Russian relationship. And, the media experts hold the opinion that unless the Ukraine tensions are not plummeted, the relationship between Obama and Putin would remain standstill.


Malaysia Airlines Lost contact with plane carrying 239 people for Beijing

Malaysian airport authorities have said that they had lost contact with flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight went missing in the vast Southeast waters and China has already sent a bunch of vessels to find the aircraft.

The airlines official said in a press conference that we tried to establish contact with the plane for several hours but we did not receive any communication signal. On the other hand, the news of missing flight forced the friends and relatives of passengers to gather at the airport and they were apparently crying for not receiving any official testimony from the airport authorities.

Later, the Chief Executive of Malaysian airlines hmad Jauhari Yahya held a press conference and said that “our teams are working to find the plane and we are also calling the next kin of the passengers”. He further said “we are equally hurt on the sudden disappearance of plane and we extend our prayers to the families of the affected passengers”.


 It is said that the plane was carrying passengers of 13 countries and there were 239 people on board. Among them, the biggest number of passengers come from China as they were on religious tour to Malaysia, says a Chinese news agency.

malaysia-crash-relative-twoTo find the wreckage of the missing plane, more than 40 countries have initiated the investigation process and so far not a single object of the plane has been recovered. Although, the navy of Vietnam said in its recent briefing that “our teams had sighted a floating object that was supposed to be a door of missing plane”.

Besides, speculations of terrorist activities or attempt of hijacking of plane are also being made. The authorities claim that 2 people had used stone passports to get into board and they were also traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

kuala-lumpur-plane-map-revisedLast but not the least, the transport Minister of Malaysia said in his latest press conference that “we have got the footage of those 2 persons who used the stolen passports and we are trying our best to identify them”.

Barack Obama on Ukraine Crisis

The world should support Ukraine as it is moving towards election in May and it is the path of escalation, says President of United States Barack Obama.

In his recent press conference, the President of United States said “we are going to punish Russia for its invasion and we have placed bans over visa process for Crimean region”. He clarified in his press briefing that all the Russian backed people operating in the region would not be able to get US visa for traveling and said that the referendum in the Crimea is against the Ukraine constitution and International Law.

Furthermore, he told to media that “United States is going to sanction a loan of 1$ billion to Ukraine for stabilizing its economy and the recent Russian invasion has united the entire world on this front”. Contrary to this, the lawmakers of Crimea region think to hold a referendum determining the future of the region.

On this move, the President said that “To hold a referendum, it is necessary to have legitimate government in the power and this is not good to take such a big decision during the crisis”. Besides, he has also issued an executive order against the groups and individuals responsible for destabilizing the region.

Apart from this, he said “if the violation of Ukraine territory continues, the results would be United States, Its allies and the world will remain firm”.  Last but not the least, he said that we would continue to help Ukraine for the sake of global security and said that the Ukraine crisis should be resolved through dialogue not through war.

Pussy Riot Attacked In Nizhny Novgorod

Recently, two members of the Pussy Riot group had been physically objectified by unarmed assailants in the MacDonald restaurant for nothing, Moscow Times claims.

Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova are one of the members of Pussy Riot, who had recently released from jail, have been attacked by 5 men during their breakfast. Actually these ladies had come to Nizhny Novgorod to see their fellow prisoners and they decided to visit MacDonald restaurant for eating some snacks. When they reached at the restaurant a group of 5 men came to them and started assaulting them with small metallic pieces. Lawyer of Alyokhina said in his press briefing that “she got a cut over her head and supposed to be unconscious for few minutes”.

Reuters reports that the group of men shouted over the Pussy Riot “You bitches go to America” and held some pamphlets stating “dirty whores get out of the city”.  On this scenario, Amnesty international took a serious stance and demanded Russian authorities to take serious notice of this and arrest the culprits. The director of Amnesty International Russian chapter Sergei Nikitin said in his statement that “the group had shouted over the ladies, hurled objects over them and filmed the whole scene”.

Exactly, the video of this scenario can be watched on YouTube and see how these two ladies have been maligned.  Last but not the least, these two ladies have been physically assaulted many a times and last time they had been beaten by Cossack Militia for impromptu performance in the Sochi Olympics.

Police Released Revealing Photos of Justin Bieber

The Miami Police released revealing pictures of International singer “Justin Bieber” quickly after his captivity. Actually, he was arrested on 23rd January for driving a vehicle under the influence on  Miami Beach. And, he was drunk when he got arrested, says a senior police official.

The revealing pictures show different parts of Bieber’s body. His tattoos and praying quotes inscribed on his body have also been shot in the camera.  On the other hand, a lawyer of Justin Bieber said that “Police has subjugated the rights of the pop singer and it was not good to reveal one’s revealing pictures”.

justinpsalmjustinjesusThere are many tattoos on his body and a picture of Jesus on his left leg, says an official.  Besides, the medical reports claimed that “Bieber was drunk and there was presence of alcoholic ingredients in the blood of Bieber”.

bieber05Last but not the least, he was released from the police custody for having below average alcoholic content (0.2) in the body and the recently released revealing pictures are more or less shocking for his fans.

justinromannumeralsA fan of Justin asked him on social media that ” Do you think placement of religious tattoos on your body make you religious person”?

Kerry Says Situation in Ukraine is better than Yesterday

Though Foreign ministers of the world could not make a deal yet John Kerry Secretary of United States says “we would solve the Ukraine issue through dialogue not through fight”.

After holding series of meetings with foreign ministers of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia, John Kerry told to reporters that “we all have agreed to solve Ukraine issue amicably and through dialogue”.

Besides, John Kerry said that these meetings were more or less “Olive branch- the beginning of period of thaw” and they were undoubtedly constructive. Though, finding a quick solution of this issue is very difficult yet I consider today as better than yesterday.

On the other hand, the foreign minister of France Laurent Fabius said that “It was for the first time that something has moved with good pace and we are optimist for a constructive solution”. Besides, Russian foreign ministry said that “Kerry did not mention in his statements that we had reached over the solution of transition of power in Ukraine”.

Contrary to this, Ukraine officials said that “Russia has sent a big number of troops in the Crimean region and it was absolute violation of international law”. The Ukraine interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said CNN that “I am worried, what would happen if the diplomatic talks fail to reach to any solution”?  He further said, I have directly spoken to Russian Prime minister and put forward two opinions – political and military.

Besides, John Kerry said “It is up to Russia now whether it withdraws forces from the region and calls for international observers to monitor the region or not”. He further adds, the violation of Ukraine territorial integrity has united the whole world on this front and Russia knows the very well. Lastly, it was the first top notch meeting since the beginning of Crimea crisis and states are serious monitoring the Ukraine issue.


86th Academy Awards winners

The event of Oscar 2014 has come to its end. This event brought some cherishing moments both for winners and losers alike. Few faces were glittering with honor and a few Hollywood personalities were apparently upset for not receiving a single award.

Here goes the list of Winners:

Best Picture
  • 12 Years a Slave
Best Actor in a Leading Role
  • Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
  • Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
  • Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
  • Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a Slave)
Best Animated Feature
  • Frozen (Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, Peter Del Vecho)
Best Cinematography
  • Gravity (Emmanuel Lubezki)
Best Costume Design
  • The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin)
Best Directing
  • Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón)
Best Documentary Feature
  • 20 Feet from Stardom (Morgan Neville, Gil Friesen, Caitrin Rogers)
Best Documentary Short
  • The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life (Malcolm Clarke, Nicholas Reed)
Best Film Editing
  • Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón, Mark Sanger)
Best Foreign Language Film
  • The Great Beauty (Italy)
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
  • Dallas Buyers Club (Adruitha Lee, Robin Mathews)
Best Original Score
  • Gravity (Steven Price)
Best Original Song
  • Let It Go – Frozen
Best Production Design
  • The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin, Beverley Dunn)
Best Animated Short Film
  • Mr. Hublot (Laurent Witz, Alexandre Espigares)
Best Live Action Short Film
  • Helium (Anders Walter, Kim Magnusson)
Best Sound Editing
  • Gravity (Glenn Freemantle)
Best Sound Mixing
  • Gravity (Skip Lievsay, Niv Adiri, Christopher Benstead, Chris Munro)
Best Visual Effects
  • Gravity (Tim Webber, Chris Lawrence, Dave Shirk, Neil Corbould)
Best Adapted Screenplay
  • 12 Years a Slave (John Ridley)
Best Original Screenplay
  • Her (Spike Jonze)