Types of Tarps – Great Conversation Starters

They cover everything from cars and boats to camping and outdoor picnics. This video explains some of the purposes of tarps as well as the various types of tarps offered.

The first form of tarp is a vinyl coated open mesh Tarp. It can be used on fencing, covering bushes/shrubs/grass/etc., and even shading. It’s made from high-strength Polyester yarn covered with PVC coating for long-lasting durability.

It also has a weather-resistant open mesh tarp. The open mesh, vinyl coated one has many of same benefits. But, it is more weight, double the yard count and has twice as much power. This drastically increases its strength and allows it to be used to cover trucks.

The 10-oz canvas chart is another option. It is an excellent choice to shield yourself against the elements as well as to stop mildew from growing. It can also be bought with a flame-repellant. It’s great for covering vehicles and other equipment at your garage like a motorcycle or lawnmower.

The last option is a strong silver poly tarp. It’s great for heavy-duty needs due to its strength and weight. Click the above link for further information about tarps as well as the numerous applications they can serve.


How to Utilize Social Media Marketing – Money Savings Expert


Here are some tips that can help take your business from being a struggling business to one that thrives.

This video will provide you with helpful information. The video can help you comprehend how social media marketing is used to help you promote your brand. You will also learn how to ensure that people that would normally not be aware about your business suddenly get to know about it perusing their Instagram or feeds on Facebook.

Social media can be an excellent method to link your business with potential and current clients. It can be utilized for building community and providing superior customer support. It is possible to use social media to promote your product or service, and also enhance sales.

Making an online presence via social media can be an effective way of building and grow trust with your customers. Your website will be more trustworthy if users are interacting with it. They will be more likely to utilize your products when in the need.

Are you curious to find out more about how to use social media for marketing and how it could help you grow your business? Go to this video today!

Why You Should Move Into an Assisted Living Facility – Cycardio

The comprehensive and skilled medical care offered by an organization that has adequate medical staffing and infrastructure could be beneficial patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

More than 2 million senior citizens reside in US long-term care homes. In addition it is reported that the Alzheimer’s Association reports that the United States has roughly 28,000 assisted living and 15,000 nursing facilities. An alarming statistic is that 48% people that reside in nursing facilities suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

Suppose you are caring for an elderly person who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease or other symptoms. It is crucial to make use of platforms like the Alzheimer’s Senior Housing Locator Platforms, which will connect you to an alternative living facility with the right expertise for such scenarios. Furthermore, it’s essential to visit the seniors frequently for their mental well-being and mental health. Then, it is critical to locate assisted living facilities which are both culturally and socially capable of providing comprehensive care.


When to Get a Tree Removal Estimate –

If they’re not managed properly, however, they could be a threat to your safety as well as threaten cable lines and roads, as well as buildings, or other trees. In such instances, it is necessary to take down any branches or the trees which could pose a risk. For safety purposes it is essential to consult a professional who can advise on the best method to reduce the risk and cost.
Average cost to have an entire tree removed

The average homeowner in America spends $600 per year for tree removal. Tree removal for smaller trees cost an average $150. Tree removal for pine is priced between $250 and $5,000 based on the dimensions of the tree.

In contrast dependent on the dimension of the tree’s branches that are removed, the typical cost of tree branch removal could range from $120 to $750. An expert in tree care can assist determine the expenses for cutting, cleaning to dispose of any remaining wood.


New Study Links Hair Loss Products to Depression, But Only for 18 Months

Despite recent rumors within the hair loss industry, products that combat hair loss are not linked to risk of suicide.

Roughly 40% of men end up having noticeable hair loss by the time they turn 35 years old. Many of these men often seek cosmetic alternates in order to prevent hair loss and keep themselves looking young. Recently, a few rumors have emerged that link hair loss medications to an increased risk in self-harm.

CTV News reports that a common class of medications used to treat both hair loss (in minor doses) and urinary symptoms in men can lead to depression and thoughts of self-harm, although in very rare circumstances.

Although the study does not link these medications to an increased risk of suicide, it resulted in a link between thoughts self-harm and depression.

“It is concerning that we found a small but significant increase in the risk of self-harm and depression,” said Dr. Blayne Welk, a urologist at Western University in London, Ontario, and lead other of the study. “If that depression does happen, it’s something you should talk to your doctor about.”

According to WebMD, the male pattern baldness medications may only result in the risk of depression and increased self-harm thoughts in older men.

“There have been concerns raised by patients and regulatory agencies regarding serious psychiatric adverse effects [in users of 5ARIs], added Welk.

The study, published online in JAMA Internal Medicine, showed no elevation in suicide risk for men using any of these products and was never intended to prove any kind of cause-and-effect.

The researchers did find an 88% increase of risk of self-harm within the first 18 months of using the medications, as well as a risk of depression increase of 94% during the first 18 months of treatment. However, after the 18 month time period, the risk virtually disappeared.

Researchers concluded that the findings should be discussed in certain cases, but the benefits of the 5ARIs medications outlay the low risk of psychiatric effects.

Burger King Promises to Stop Serving Abused Chickens

It’s no secret that many fast food restaurants are infamous for serving abused animals. However, Burger King recently announced that it will stop buying chickens from farms that blatantly and grossly mistreat them.

The chain plans to only buy chickens that were raised according to the welfare standards set by Global Animal Partnership, an animal advocacy group. Burger King said they will reduce the suffering of millions of chickens with this effort.

“Chickens raised for meat, also known as ‘broilers,’ are among the most abused animals on the planet…They are bred to grow so unnaturally fast that they are often crippled under their own weight. Many suffer from constant leg pain so severe they cannot stand, and so spend nearly all their time sitting in their own waste,” GAP said in a statement.

According to GAP’s website, certified farmers must provide chickens with access to light and keep their living conditions more sanitary. One nesting box for every four to five hens is generally the minimum for hens to feel comfortable laying in them, but it’s not uncommon to see twice that amount on farms where chicken abuse is rampant. Chickens should also be given adequate medical care. Vets suggest twice-yearly checkups for older household pets, but chickens should be treated anytime they seem ill.

GAP said in the statement that its standards “will require chicken suppliers to breed only higher-welfare strains of chickens, reduce the stocking density of the birds, improve light levels and litter quality inside barns, and use controlled atmosphere stunning to render the birds unconscious before slaughter, dramatically improving slaughter methods and the birds’ living conditions.” GAP worked alongside Mercy For Animals, another animal advocacy group, to develop the policy.

Not only will these efforts improve the lives of millions of chickens, but they could actually improve the health of humans as well, considering the fact that each year, one in six Americans gets sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages, according to the CDC. Healthier chickens ultimately lead to less contamination and increased overall well-being for both humans and our feathered friends.

GAP said Burger King will utilize third-party auditors to assure that its suppliers remain compliant with the GAP standards.

Other popular chain restaurants have made similar efforts in recent years to improve the treatment of animals in their supply chains. Chipotle, Red Robin, Panera Bread, Starbucks, and Quiznos are just a few examples. One can only hope that more restaurants will continue to make the transformation to more animal-friendly practices.

3 Florida Metros Among the Fastest Growing in the United States

Florida’s population, thanks to nice weather, recreational opportunities, and job growth, has continued to increase across the state.

Every single day, 1,000 people move to one of Florida’s popular cities. According to U.S. News, three metro areas across The Sunshine State were among the nation’s 10 biggest population gainers during 2016.

Tampa, Florida had the country’s fourth-highest gain last year with 58,000 new residents moving there; South Florida had the seventh highest with a population increase of 48,000; and Orlando added nearly 47,000 new residents during 2016, coming in at the seventh-highest metro increase in the United States.

“I could have moved anywhere, and I have family in Colorado, New York, and California. But the only place I feel comfortable is in Florida,” said Ismael Perdomo, who moved from Colombia to Orlando in 2015. “I found the right job in Orlando.”

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Perdomo, who cited the nice weather and a large Spanish-speaking population as two of the main reasons he relocated, lives in the booming North Orange Avenue area of downtown Orlando. Over the last few years, thousands of apartment units have been built in high-rise buildings along the North Orange Avenue strip.

Although the culture and nice weather play a major contributing factor in the population growth of the area, so does entertainment.

Desiree Siegel was very clear about why she chose to relocate to Orlando five years ago.

“I’m a huge fan of Disney, and the amusement parks here mean there’s always something to do,” Siegel added. “Living downtown gives me lots of options, too.”

Along with Austin, Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Raleigh, North Carolina, Orlando was one of four metro areas in the U.S. that rank in the top 25 for both sheer numbers gained and population growth.

Advertisers Continue to Try and Corner the Millennial Market

For the next few years, Millennials will continue to be the most popular demographic for advertisers to target.

According to the 2016 State of Social Business study, average social advertising budgets increased by 73% last year, and advertisers plan on spending even more in 2017 to better engage Millennial consumers. And perhaps the most important aspect of advertising to this demographic is creativity.

“If an ad is unique or funny enough, I’ll click just to see how the rest of the experience might be,” Ed Terpening and Aubrey Littleton wrote in their report. “If the ad is good, hopefully the rest of the brand is, too.”

Gone are the days when boring print advertisements could attract attention. For instance, nearly half of all 18 to 34 year old consumers (47%) surveyed found that eccentric advertisements like car wraps were especially memorable.

In addition to the importance of creativity within an advertisement, in order to reach the Millennial market, an emphasis is being placed on getting personal. Because of how much time Millennials spend on social media networking sites, advertisers are able to gather detailed personal information on people and create custom, individualized ads geared specifically for them.

“I notice when a brand is talking specifically to me and I pay attention,” Ed and Aubrey added.

Case in point: the Chicago Business Journal reports that Groupon is now leading the charge for reaching this Millennial market.

The newest Groupon ads focus on saving a few bucks a week in order to try fun, new, and exciting things.

“As we continue to build on our successful 2016 ad campaign, which was about showcasing the experiences available on Groupon that make life great, we’re expanding our target audience and focusing on high-frequency categories with the message that customers can use Groupon every day to save money,” said Jon Wild, Groupon vice president of marketing for North America.

In addition to showcasing these commercial spots, Groupon is not just advertising on traditional cable channels, but reaching out through YouTube, Hulu, Crackle, and even working alongside The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, who is known for his active online presence.

Houston Homeowners Find Human Remains in Attic Walls

It is no secret that insulation in a home is important for both the comfort of the homeowners and durability of the structure itself. In fact, proper attic insulation can save homeowners anywhere between 10 to 50% on their heating and cooling bills annually, along with preventing the formation of ice dams and saving money on expensive roof repairs.
However, one Houston couple made the shocking discovery that there was more than just insulation between the walls of their home.
Brand new homeowners, who have chosen to remain anonymous, were doing some routine maintenance around their home when they shifted a board in the attic, looked down into the wall, and found a jumble of human bones and red drugstore glasses.
Neighbors believe the remains are of the previous homeowner, 61-year-old Mary Cerruti, who has been missing since March of 2015. No one knows exactly what happened to the retired retail worker, as she just suddenly seemed to disappear; her mail started to pile up, her lawn went unmowed, and her bills were unpaid without any rhyme or reason. Some neighbors contacted the police, one even hired a private investigator, but there was a lack of evidence and her fate was determined to be inconclusive.
So while rumors swirled about her whereabouts, the bank who owned the mortgage on the 1,161 square foot, 1930s-era home was forced to foreclose on the property and put it up for resale.
Despite this, nothing about Cerruti’s disappearance was put in the seller’s disclosure agreement, so the new owners were completely taken off guard. They immediately called the police and abandoned the home within a couple of hours.
And while this is a sad turn of events, many of the original neighbors are hopeful that an autopsy can at least shed some light on Cerruti’s fate. As of right now, no one knows if Cerruti was a victim of foul play, or just fell into the wallboards and was unable to get out.
Nonetheless, it is not completely clear if the bones are actually those of Mary Cerruti. Autopsy results are pending.

A Big Hurdle For Self-Driving Cars: Cyclists

Self-driving cars have been a hot-button topic in recent years, particularly because they have the potential to improve passenger safety. Not only can they recognize other cars on the road, but they can also observe and react to pedestrians and even animals like birds and squirrels. But there’s a very popular entity they aren’t able to see so well: bicycles.

In fact, bikes are among one of the toughest challenges technological developers face in terms of detection. They’re smaller than cars and move quickly.

Nuno Vasconcelos, a visual computing expert at the University of California, San Diego, notes, “A car is basically a big block of stuff. A bicycle has much less mass and also there can be more variation in appearance — there are more shapes and colors and people hang stuff on them.”

The physical differences between bikes and cars is really throwing these vehicles’ detection systems for a loop. The algorithms on these systems train themselves based on the images they see. But many of the training sessions performed don’t feature bikes. As a result, the systems don’t consistently register them.

The Deep3DBox algorithm, for example, was able to recognize 89% of cars on the road when subjected to an industry-recognized benchmark test. But the system wasn’t nearly as proficient when it came to cyclists. In the test, it was able to spot only 74% of bicycles — and this score is the highest among such technologies.

With an increased emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and improving physical fitness, it’s no surprise that 3 million Americans age seven and up rode a bicycle at least six times in 2015. But if developers expect self-driving cars to become the standard, this technology will need to improve quickly.

Fortunately, companies are already starting to take action. High-definition maps, like the ones created by Israeli company Mobileye, can help these algorithms identifying bicycles by making them stand out against the landscape. Their Road Experience Management system could make huge improvements to the way these algorithms are trained. Google’s self-driving vehicle, Waymo, shows that improvements can certainly be made; that auto contains sensor technology with increased recognition for bicycles.

While some experts are skeptical that self-driving cars will ever completely replace human-operated ones, these improvements could definitely help ensure the safety of everyone on the road. That being said, the new technology needs to be carefully tested before going to market. Otherwise, drivers will be much better off relying on their own vision and skills to avoid an accident.