The famous comedian Jimmy Fallon took an icy dip in the Michigan Lake. The full suit dressed man took a dip in the -32 degree lake and came out with screaming expressions over his face. Actually, he had made a promise that he would make Sunday’s morning as Polar Plunge with Mayor Rahm under the condition that the Mayor would join his program “The Tonight Show” in New York.
Emmanuel and Fallon went into coldest lake from head to toe and they suddenly came out to cherish the crowd gathered to see them. On the other hand, the famous musical group named as “Bagpipers” sung a very beautiful song for their dare to dip in the cold water.
It goes without saying that a big number of spectators were dressed in polar bear costumes and they were holding the pamphlets of Fallon to show their support. The plunging practice is generally practiced once a year to raise money for Chicago Olympics and many famous people have participated in this fund raising campaign.
Besides, Jen Kramer the president of Special Olympics Chicago said that “The participation of Fallon and Rahm has attracted more than 3000 people to see the running and it was supposed to be biggest viewership since the last year”.
It must not be forgotten that last year Mayor Rahm said that if the children read 2 million books under the “Rahm readers” program, he would jump in the cold lake. When Fallon made a call to Mayor and asked him to appear in his Show, the Mayor told him “I would surely join you but you have to join me first in the polar plunge”.
Last but not the least, Fallon had jokingly said that “I did not realize before making the commitment that it would tremble my whole body”.
I love Jimmy. He will make a MUCH better host.